For bartenders, degree brix is a measure of how much sugar content is in your syrup. Measuring your syrup in degree brix with a refractometer will elevate the quality of your cocktails for your restaurant and bar’s cocktail program. Ensuring your syrups are made consistently with the same level of sugar content ensures that your cocktails consistently taste the same, and have the same body and texture.
This video shows how to measure brix and how to calculate your desired brix level. The formula will save you loads of time from having to annoyingly guess how much water, fruit juice, or sugar to add for your syrup. Knowing how to make consistent syrups for any cocktail beverage program is a must have skill for any professional cocktail bartender.
Quick note. A 2:1 ratio rich syrup has a 66.7 degree brix. You well need to purchase a refractometer that is able to read beyond 66.7 degree brix if you are planning to make 2:1 flavored rich syrups. I personally make flavored syrups around 49-52 degree brix. Here's the refractometer I personally purchased at Amazon that has a scale of 0-55 degree brix. Link Below.
Also note that if all you see is an all white background on your refractometer scale reading, then that means your syrup's brix level is beyond the scope of your refractometer scale. So that means your syrup's brix level is higher than what your refractometer can read. The background should be the same color as the refractometer's prism when there is no syrup on the angle prism.
Hope you enjoyed this in depth look at syrups. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more videos to improve your cocktail beverage program.